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Recommended in the sermon Hand-Eye Coordination, October 2022
Tim Keller shows how individuals and churches can participate in compassion ministries, arguing that caring for those in need is as fundamental to Christian living as worship and evangelism.
Drawing on the success of their own church campaign, two pastors help readers learn to value, respect, and care for the people who live in their neighborhoods.
Meals are an important part of hospitality and can be used to foster grace in our communities. Chester draws from six narratives in the Gospel of Luke to urge sacrificial giving and loving around the table.
Contributor(s): Corbett, Steve (Author), Fikkert, Brian (Author), Perkins, John (Foreword by), Platt, David (Foreword) With more than 300,000 copies in print, When Helping Hurts is a paradigm-forming contemporary classic on the subject of poverty allevia